Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Do you have speech anxiety?

Speech anxiety triggers
The reasons non-academics give for why the prospect of giving a speech gives them anxiety are, roughly, the sames as those confirmed via academic research. Note 4

The major sources or triggers of speech anxiety are (Note 4):
Lack of preparation
The fear of making mistakes
Concerns about appearance
Projections about a lack of audience interest, and
Lack of previous experience public speaking

Coping With Public Speaking Stress
There are really two ways to cope with the stress of speaking in public:
Avoidance:  Convert speeches to sit-down style presentations
Stress management:  Manage your Mind

Avoidance:  Convert speeches to sit-down style presentations
Lets be honest.
The most effective way to eliminate the stress of speaking in public is to not speak in public.
You should bookmark this article now so you will be able to reference that little tidbit later.
In all seriousness, for many, many people, this is exactly the strategy they adopt. It works.
If you MUST give a presentation, you can still use this strategy (but with a twist).
Not all presentations are alike. There are State of the Union addresses to the entire nation. TED Talks seen by millions on the web. And then there is the presentation you need to give at your team meeting.
Sit-down style presentations often get lumped into the category of presentations and public speaking. And they are a different breed entirely. They are made sitting down, around a table, updating a project team, or presenting our thinking to our boss.
The context of these types of sit-down meetings has a profound effect on the stress they generate.

These types of meetings and presentations:
Consist of small groups, in a more intimate setting, seated
Will be more detail oriented
Are more likely to result in discussion, with other people contributing and asking questions
Likely to have the participants holding a hard-copy of the presentation in their hand
They can be, for many, considerably less stressful.
Where possible, a useful avoidance mechanism is to convert a public speaking style presentation into a sit-down style presentation. It will have smaller groups, seated around a table, with supporting material that can be referenced. And it will be less stressful.

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